A Pediatric Doctor’s Expert Opinion Having a baby can be overwhelming, but creating your baby registry does not need to be. Here are baby registry essentials, the best options available that have been used and loved by a pediatric physician, what more could you ask? This post may contain affiliate links. That means if you…
Box 6: The Thinker (Months 11-12) As baby is quickly transforming into a toddler this box has everything to stimulate their problem solving skills. Complete with baby’s first wallet including cards and wooden coins for baby to zip and carry. A beautiful wooden box that has a sliding top to teach baby to problem solve…
My favorite childhood toy is wooden blocks, we own several sets but this colorful set by LovEvery is the most versatile and complete I have seen. From building towers, to villages for little peg people, to sorting shapes, stringing beads, and making a pull wagon. This set has it all! I love that all ages…
BOX 4: THE INSPECTOR (Months 7-8) Your little one is quickly becoming an active little member of the family. They want to see, touch, taste, and feel everything within reach! Whether it is edible or not, it is going in their mouth. To introduce baby to the idea that objects remain in existence even when…
There are so many options out there, here are my absolute favorite Amazon essentials for baby, you, and your family. Amazon Essentials for Baby: Baby Wipes: Bets & Emy is the absolute best brand I have found. Gentle and effective. Plus once baby grows they are my favorite make-up remover cloths. BETS & EMY American-Mom…
BOX 3: THE SENSER (Months 5-6) Your baby’s world is EXPLODING! Your tiny blessing is starting to reach, grab, and explore the world, primarily through their mouths. My favorite toy in this box is the Magic Tissue Box, an adorable wooden box that comes with a set of interlinking fabric ‘tissues’ for your baby to…
BOX 2: THE CHARMER (Months 3-4) Baby is slowly leaving the sleepy newborn days behind and becoming more interested in the world around them. I love how this box contains everything you need to stimulate your infant as they begin to engage with their surroundings. Each piece is perfectly curated to develop baby’s blossoming senses.…
The first several weeks with your newborn can be so overwhelming that the idea of playing with your baby seems impossible. LovEvery Baby has created curated boxes for each stage your baby goes through to help you get the most out of those precious playtime minutes! BOX 1: THE LOOKER (Months 0-2) Complete with a…
1. Open ended play fosters imagination, independence, and extends attention spans. On the contrary plastic toys with lights and sounds actually interfere with the brain waves of children shortening their attention span and inhibiting the full imagination process. 2. Safe materials for teething infants through school aged children. Naturally anti-bacterial high quality wood that is…