As summer approaches, and plans to go camping, swim in the pool, play at the park, or run along the beach fill your dreams; don’t forget to protect your little ones from the powerful rays of our sun. Protecting your littles is more than just not getting sunburned, keeping baby covered also prevents sun-induced skin cancers and premature aging down the road. However, getting a toddler covered in sunscreen is like trying to catch a greased pig and sunscreen isn’t recommended for very young infants (under 6 months).
Living in Southern California, and loving the beach, I have had many 2nd degree sunburns in my life. Resulting in me being diagnosed with skin cancer at only 20 years old. Thankfully, a cure for me only meant minor surgery, but I now have a permanent scar on my face to remind me of the dangers of sun exposure.
Therefore, when my beautiful baby boy was born a very fair red head, I started to hunt for a way to protect him. That is how I found SwimZip, a family owned company started by a mother with a story that rings similar to my own. Having been diagnosed with skin cancer at 26yrs old Betsy Johnson set out to design clothing to protect her children. The swimsuits and cover-ups they sell have an impressive SPF rating of 50+, over five times what a typical t-shirt does, and they sell a variety of styles and colors!
I reached out to SwimZip and they were kind enough to provide one for me to review. Luke is wearing the design called “Hard Working Man” in 0-6mo with long sleeves and the matching “Shady Days” orange flap hat.
The suit is soft, made of a rash-guard-like material, but unlike a traditional rash-guard you don’t have to squeeze your child into it because the ingenious creators added a full zipper. In Luke’s suit the zipper runs from his neck all the way down to his right ankle allowing me to dress him in under 10 seconds, so diaper changes are a snap. With multiple color options and several styles for boys, girls, men, and women, there is a suit for every preference. Luke was comfortable in his SwimZip suit and as a bonus he looked adorable! He was well protected from the sun’s damaging rays and the long sleeves shielded him from the ocean breeze. I loved being able to share the beauty of the ocean with my son without having to stress over applying sunscreen or struggling to prevent Luke from getting a sunburn. I love this brand, it is a summer essential!
– Cost: $24-38 each
– Value: 5/5
– Functionality:4/5
– Ease of use: 5/5
– Appearance: 4/5
Now some fun photos and tips for staying safe in the sun!
– Avoid Sun exposure during the hours when sun is at it’s most intense, 10am-4pm. If unable to limit exposure then seek shade and try to keep baby’s delicate skin out of direct sunlight.
– Don’t expect a darker skin tone to protect you. Everyone can develop sunburn and become vulnerable to skin cancer.
– Wear tightly woven clothing that covers arms and legs. Clothing specifically designed for sun exposure is best because it provides UV protection. A broad rimmed hat and sun glasses are also recommended to protect the eyes, face, and head.
– Sunscreen is recommended for use in infants and children over 6 months of age. Under 6mo it is best to use other forms of protection such as protective clothing and shade.
– When sunscreen is used a mineral based sunscreen is preferred over a chemically based product because it minimizes absorption into the skin.
– Use a broad spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or greater. Apply a minimum of 15mins BEFORE sun exposure and reapply frequently, no more then 2 hours between applications.

Dr. Patricia Bast was born and raised in Southern California. She earned a bachelors degree in science at UC Irvine, then went on to graduate medical school from Touro University College of Osteopathic Medicine in Northern California. After several years working as a pediatrician Dr. Bast choose to expand her training to include lactation consultant. Dr. Bast is now raising her children and taking care of patients in beautiful Georgia.