I had an AMAZING time at the MILK Conference! The depth and quality of information provided far exceeded my expectations. I love learning and
Here are some top take-home points from the conference:
– Skin-to-skin goes way beyond the golden hour, you need to spend 120 mins 4 times daily for the first several weeks doing skin to skin. Leading to optimal brain development, temperature regulation, and attachment.
– If you are a mama pumping for a NICU baby, it is better to pool your breastmilk from the say into a single bottle that will be served fresh, rather then dividing it up by pumping session. This is because caloric value of breastmilk varies over the course of the day and NICU babies need consistent nutrition.
– To maximize your milk supply mom needs to nurse or pump within 4 hours of delivery.
– The measurement markings on bottles are very inconsistent. If formula feeding, it is better to use a measuring cup to determine the amount of water you are adding.
– Keep in mind when choosing the best formula for your baby:
- Soy based protein needs A LOT of processing.
- Whey empties from the stomach quicker and is less allergenic.
- Partial hydrolysis of proteins may help prevent allergy/ eczema.
- Full hydrolysis may help prevent auto-immune reactions in at-risk babies.
– SKIP THE SIPPY CUP! It can actually inhibit the development of a mature swallowing reflex and cause speech delays. Instead start focus on introducing your baby to an open (brimless) cup from about 6 months of age.
– If you are already using the Sippy cup:
- Wean from Sippy cup by 12 months, or 24 months at latest.
- Avoid using it as a soother.
- Introduce and switch to an open cup as soon as you can.
– Babies should be introduced to solid foods (chunky textures and table foods) by 9 months old or they will be picky eaters for the rest of their life. A great way to do this is by offering pureed foods and small chunks for them to self-feed concurrently.

Dr. Patricia Bast was born and raised in Southern California. She earned a bachelors degree in science at UC Irvine, then went on to graduate medical school from Touro University College of Osteopathic Medicine in Northern California. After several years working as a pediatrician Dr. Bast choose to expand her training to include lactation consultant. Dr. Bast is now raising her children and taking care of patients in beautiful Georgia.