
pregnancy & postpartum

newborn care


- dr. patricia

As a mother and doctor I understand better than most the challenges faced by new parents. I'd love to support you!

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Miscarriage Survivor: Today I lost my unborn baby…

Today I became the member of a club I hoped never to join… my heart aches and I am filled with a mix of emotions: confusion, pain, anger, and longing cover me. Today it was confirmed I had a miscarriage. My body has betrayed me! Instead of nourishing my sweet baby to grow and thrive,…

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Embrace The Whole You

When you become a mother it is very easy for your identity to become wrapped up in parenting. You no longer feel like the well rounded person you once were. Instead of an artist, an author , a business person, or an athlete; you suddenly feel like life has taken on a single note. You…

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Our Day at the Aquarium of the Pacific

This past weekend we had the opportunity to go to the Long Beach Aquarium of the Pacific. The Aquarium of the Pacific is special because it is an AZA (Association of Zoos and Aquariums) accredited Aquarium and works to save endangered species. Luke loves animals and I jump at any opportunity to expose him to…

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Getting Probiotics into Baby’s Diet

This year’s cold and flu season has been especially long and challenging. My pediatric clinic schedule is filled with runny noses, ear infections, and coughs. While my home has been a never ending cycle of sniffles. More illnesses unfortunately mean more antibiotics, which in turn means more upset tummies! Antibiotics work by killing bacteria, all…

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Surviving the 4th Trimester: The Best Postpartum Products for Baby and Mama

Having a baby is incredible, but it is also incredibly challenging. Before my first son was born I thought I knew exactly what I needed to make the transition into parenthood as seamless as possible. But until you’re there it’s hard to know exactly what will work best for YOUR child. Below I have shared…

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My Birth Story: When Nothing Goes As Planned

Let me start by saying the key to all birth plans is flexibility… and my birth story is no exception. I spent the months prior to my due date carefully writing my detailed birth plan, and taking natural birthing classes. I chose the Bradley Method because it was what my mother had used and I…

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The final countdown… Waiting for Baby

I’m 39 weeks and 2 days, but who’s keeping track… it’s the final countdown of my pregnancy and I can hardly wait to meet our little man. Each day that passes seems like it is getting longer and time is passing more slowly… Of course, it doesn’t help that every time I see my OB…

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Why is illness magnified during pregnancy?

Thankfully, with the exception of morning sickness, and a couple episodes of food poisoning, I have been healthy for the duration of my pregnancy. That is until last Tues… Now don’t get me wrong, I am typically a trooper when I’m sick and don’t let a simple cold virus stop me from getting my To-Do…

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Everyone has an opinion about your baby bump… Shocking things people say

Nobody tells you that being pregnant means that your belly becomes public property… From the moment you announce the exciting news it quickly starts to feel like everyone has an opinion about your growing baby bump… and they have no reservations sharing it with you. Below are some of the comments and actions that have…

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Pregnancy: The good, The bad, and The ugly

Pregnancy can be a beautiful time, a time of bonding with a tiny person nestled deep inside, a time of excitement and celebration, but not everything about pregnancy is beautiful… Breasts: The good- They grow, a lot. Like to the breasts I always wanted, but thought I would need a surgeon to get. The bad-…

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Will My Baby Have…

As a Pediatrician I thought I was ready for parenthood and in many ways I am, but what caught me off guard were all the fears I would have about my unborn child… At just 4 weeks pregnant I took my first pregnancy test, I was elated when it came back positive. Images of a…

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