I’m 39 weeks and 2 days, but who’s keeping track… it’s the final countdown of my pregnancy and I can hardly wait to meet our little man. Each day that passes seems like it is getting longer and time is passing more slowly… Of course, it doesn’t help that every time I see my OB she announces there are no signs of him showing his face anytime soon. In an effort to make the coming days/ weeks pass more quickly I scoured the internet looking for ideas to fill my time. Below is a list of my favorite ideas 10 for the final countdown of pregnancy.
1. Pamper yourself- Get a massage, a mani/ pedi, facial, whatever relaxes you. This week I got a mani/pedi, complete with blue polish in honor of our son. Not only was it relaxing, but now I will have beautiful nails in all my post-delivery photos– even if the rest of me is an exhausted mess.
2. Visit your friends- In the weeks after baby is born, your primary focus will be this new little person and basic survival. Take some time now to see your friends and do the fun activities that may take a backseat until everything settles down as you learn to balance parenthood.
3. Stock the fridge/ Pantry- The last thing you want to be worried about when you get home from the hospital is needing to run to the grocery store because there is no toilet paper/ milk/ etc.
4. Final baby prep- Make sure you know where baby is going to sleep when they come home and that you have the diapers, bottles/ breastfeeding supplies you will need. This is also a good time to ensure you have enough baby laundry washed to get you through the first week (onesies, sheets, blankets, burp clothes, etc).
5. Postpartum prep- No matter how your little once makes their appearance into the world, you will need supplies to get you through the coming weeks. Some essentials include: Tucks (to soothe your nether regions), extra absorbent pads or adult diapers (for bleeding and incontinence in the weeks after delivery), ice packs (to reduce pain and swelling), disposable underwear (you don’t want to ruin your cute panties), and a peri- spray bottle (to clean yourself when toilet paper sounds like sand paper). A perineal spray can also be very soothing.
6. Quality time- Enjoy your final days with your man. Go on a date, or several, have lots of sex, and just soak up some alone time. Once baby is born everything is going to change, take some time to cherish one another and strengthen your relationship so that when you are exhausted and stressed out you can remember why you love one another.
7. Hospital Prep- Make sure you have your hospital bags packed, the car seat installed, confirm the best way to get to the hospital during rush hour, pre-register at the hospital if possible, and make sure all your family and friends know where to go when they get that anticipated call.
8. Deep Clean your Home- This could mean you cleaning or hiring a maid to make sure everything is ready for your bundle of joy… and all those visitors who will be dropping by to visit in the coming weeks.
9. Order dessert- Now don’t go overboard because you don’t want to be delivering a 12lb baby, but give yourself permission to have a small splurge before you feel the pressure to drop all the baby weight you have been slowly accumulating the last 10 months.
10. Sleep- As much as you can, sleep in, rest and enjoy doing the least amount you possibly can before your life is ruled by the ever-changing schedule of the tiny dictator you are so excited to meet.
Above all else, try to enjoy your final days of pregnancy- that special bond you share as you quietly talk to your belly and smile when you feel baby squirming inside you- then look forward to when sneezing won’t make you pee yourself and you can finally resume your favorite sleep positions comfortably.

Dr. Patricia Bast was born and raised in Southern California. She earned a bachelors degree in science at UC Irvine, then went on to graduate medical school from Touro University College of Osteopathic Medicine in Northern California. After several years working as a pediatrician Dr. Bast choose to expand her training to include lactation consultant. Dr. Bast is now raising her children and taking care of patients in beautiful Georgia.