The greatest nightmare a parent has is losing their child. As a doctor I have witnessed the tragic loss of too many children. The loss of a child is heartbreaking and something no person can prepare for. I knew before my son was born that I would need a baby monitor to would alert me…
Now that baby’s vision has improved and they are able to see the world around them you will notice a sense of exploration blooming. Now is the time to start encouraging independence and developing those early fine motor skills. Toys that are easy to grasp, make noise, and are brightly colored will be the star.…
Whether you are a new parent or have a small army of tiny humans running around, newborns can be intimidating. They don’t speak your language, are incredibly demanding, feel fragile and delicate, yet seem to develop super-human strength when attempting to change their clothes. They have sweet innocent faces and their cries have been scientifically…
Some tips for staying safe in the sun this Summer: – Avoid Sun exposure during the hours when sun is at it’s most intense, 10am-4pm. If unable to limit exposure then seek shade and try to keep baby’s delicate skin out of direct sunlight. – Don’t expect a darker skin tone to protect you. Everyone…
Between the ages of 0-3 months babies are just starting to learn about this world that they were suddenly thrust into. They are captivated by the environment around them and learning at an exponential rate. Their vision is still underdeveloped, high contrast patterns such as black and white at a distance of 8-12 inches is…