Having a baby is incredible, but it is also incredibly challenging.
Before my first son was born I thought I knew exactly what I needed to make the transition into parenthood as seamless as possible. But until you’re there it’s hard to know exactly what will work best for YOUR child. Below I have shared a few products that did everything from easing my physical recovery to helping me get my errands done with a newborn.
– First thing is first, where is your child going to sleep when you get home? I bought the HALO Bassinest Swivel Sleeper Bassinet. It is FANTASTIC. Having Luke right next to the bed allows me to easily nurse at all hours of the night, this was particularly helpful when he spent more time attached to my breast then he did off. I love the mesh walls to allow good air circulation, plus I can stare at his sweet little face whenever I desire. It swivels to get out of your way when you get into and out of bed. Furthermore, the sidewall lowers when pressure is placed on it making it easy to get baby in and out. C-section or Vaginal delivery, recovering from childbirth is painful and anything that keeps your baby safe while keeping them close will make your life easier. I bought the higher end model, but I never used any of the extra features (music, vibration, light, or feeding timer). I recommend saving the money and getting the base model.
– If you are like me, you will be deliriously exhausted when you get home from the hospital. However, I was so hyper alert to the well being of my son that I hated having him out of my sight. To ease this transition and allow me to get the sleep I so desperately needed, I bought a monitor to alert me if he stopped breathing. I recommend the Owlet Baby Monitor, watching over your child so you don’t have to. (See my Product Review comparing the different baby monitors for more info)
– To maximize baby sleep I recommend using swaddles to remind your infant of the safety and security of the womb. Newborns take time to transition from the peace of the mom-Jacuzzi into the loud hot/cold harsh world; swaddles can help ease that transition. There are many excellent brands; Bebe Au Lait Muslin Swaddle Blankets are some of my favorites. They are cozy and come in beautiful patterns. Another innovative must-have is the Hooray Littles swaddle, it can be used during all those times when baby is required to be harnessed in. (See my Product Reviews comparing my favorite swaddle brands for more info)
The Hooray Littles Swaddle for when baby needs to be harnessed
– Once you have had a little sleep and are ready to get some stuff done around the house I recommend using a baby wrap or sling. Personally, I used the Solly Wrap and I LOVED it. A wrap allows you to have a custom fit carrier to keep your tiny little one safe and close. Translating into a quiet and happy baby. The Solly Baby Wrap is lightweight, soft, easy to tie, and comes in many beautiful colors and patterns. If you want to read more about all the carrier options LINK.
– When you do finally leave the house you need a diaper bag that is easy to pack and holds everything to take care of baby (hint pack two outfits for unforeseen diaper explosions). With my first son I went with the Ju-Ju-Be Collection, it is beautiful, antimicrobial, and easy to clean. PLUS, my Ju-Ju-Be Legacy Collection B.F.F. can be worn as a backpack preventing shoulder and back strain.
– With my second son I switched gears and chose the Fawn Design Backpack. The classic beauty of vegan leather wipes clean and is stylish enough for my husband to wear. FawnDesign.com
– I am the primary grocery shopper in our house; something that became a challenge after our son was born. After many failed attempts at grocery shopping while carrying my son… placing him in a baby carrier… and then dragging around a stroller with the grocery cart; I found one of my favorite new baby products. The BinxyBaby! It’s a hammock for your shopping cart, making the whole experience painless. My son is happy, safe, and there is still plenty of room in my cart for groceries. (Read my Product Review to learn more and for a discount coupon)
– Medical: At some point your baby is going to be congested, have gas, or be uncomfortable from their vaccinations; it is a good idea to be prepared BEFORE it happens so you can address their need quickly. At exactly 3 weeks old, Luke became inconsolable. After over 30 mins of offering everything I could think of, food, changing his diaper, and checking him over to ensure there was nothing hurting him (ie hairs wrapped around fingers/toes, tight waistbands, tags irritating his skin); I was at a loss for why he was so upset. Thankfully, I had stocked my baby medicine cabinet before he was born full of Little Remedies. I gave him some Little Remedies Tummys Gas Relief Drops and within 5 mins he started burping and his cries stopped. Also in my baby medicine drawer is Little Remedies Tummys Gripe Water
(I have not noticed any effect when giving to my son during his crying episodes), and Little Remedies Tylenol (used only once after his 2mo vaccinations). Another MUST HAVE is a Nosefrida Baby Nasal Aspirator
. Yes this is the one where you put your mouth on a tube and literally suck your child’s boogers out of their nose. It sounds disgusting, but there is a filter keeping it all totally sanitary; and it works AMAZING. Just after he turned 2mo I got a cold and passed it to Luke. He would wake every 30-60 mins at night because he was congested and I would have to suction his nose. Without the Nosefrida Baby Nasal Aspirator
Luke would not have been able to effectively eat or sleep. Nasal suctioning is most effective when combined with saline drops such as Little Remedies Noses Saline Spray/Drops
to loosen the mucus.
– Now that we have addressed all the baby needs, lets talk about you mama. To help yourself through your postpartum recovery creating a Mama Care Kit for yourself is a must. Some key items to handle all your lady aches:
- Tucks
for swelling and/or hemorrhoids
- Earth Mama Perineal Spray– soothing spray for the perineum
- Frida Bidet– Excellent for cleaning the perineum from any angle
- Always Diapers
to help you through the bleeding of those first couple days (much more comfortable then the mesh panties from the hospital), huge pads for once the bleeding slows and when you no longer want to wear diapers.
- I also recommend investing in some form of abdominal compression. After my first son, I bought the Mama Strut Postpartum Support Pelvic Binder System with Ice/Heat Therapy
. It provided amazing vaginal support, keeps an ice pack exactly where you need it, and reduced my pain in the weeks after giving birth. The down side is it made me feel lumpy– not exactly how you want to think of yourself in the days immediately after delivery. After my second son I wore the Bellefit and LOVED IT! It provides excellent support for for your perineum while you recover from delivery. Additionally the corset is very flattering under clothing and does an INCREDIBLE job of bringing the musculature back together. Use code DRPATRICIA for $20 off
- Motherlove Nipple Cream– SO MUCH better then Lanolin!
- Haakaa Silicone Breastpump– Incredible to place on the breast you are not nursing on to catch milk and build a freezer supply.
- Lansinoh Therapy heat or cool pack– soothing for engorgement and aids in letdown when pumping.
- Bamboobies Nursing Pads

Dr. Patricia Bast was born and raised in Southern California. She earned a bachelors degree in science at UC Irvine, then went on to graduate medical school from Touro University College of Osteopathic Medicine in Northern California. After several years working as a pediatrician Dr. Bast choose to expand her training to include lactation consultant. Dr. Bast is now raising her children and taking care of patients in beautiful Georgia.